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In Brief

01 August, 2004

In Brief

• Schneider Electric has released a function block code for PLCs that allows them to communicate with third-party TCP devices such as radio frequency tag readers, barcode readers, printers and other PLCs. The TCP Open code was developed for the company`s Modicon Premium controller.

• UQM Technologies, the US motor and controls developer, has been granted a European patent for its method of phase timing advancement for permanent magnet motors. The technology, aimed mainly at vehicle propulsion applications, allows the motor to deliver quick acceleration at a low speed so that a vehicle can accelerate up to motorway speeds without needing a transmission system.

A new US standard, IEEE 1451.4, adds a plug-and-play capability to analogue transducers for use in networks designed for digital instruments and measurement systems. It is hoped that the standard will accelerate the use of networked sensors by simplifying transducer installation, network creation, and system maintenance and upgrading.

A series of free seminars on power quality is being presented at UK venues as part of the EU`s Leonardo Power Quality Initiative. The seminars, covering topics such as measurement techniques, mitigation methods and the role of earthing, are accredited by the IEE and CIBSE for CVD purposes. They will be held in Edinburgh (14 September), London (5 October) and Birmingham (12 October). Details on 01442 275700.

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