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Intermec and Symbol settle RFID dispute

01 September, 2005

The US companies Intermec Technologies and Symbol Technologies have settled their IP (intellectual property) dispute over RFID (radio frequency identification) technology. They are also trying to resolve their other IP disputes over wireless communications and software.

In June 2004, the data capture specialist Intermec filed a patent infringement suit against the barcode pioneer Symbol (then called Matrics), related to its RFID patents. This was followed by other suits and counter-suits covering various technologies.

Now, Symbol has joined Intermec`s Rapid Start RFID IP licensing programme, which will give it access to Intermec patents covering RFID tags and readers. Symbol is also providing Intermec with access to its RFID IP.

The two companies say that the agreement is a fair compromise of their issues regarding RFID, and that they will now try to resolve their other disputes. They hope that the deal will encourage faster adoption of RFID and automated data-collection technologies by industry.

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