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Siemens will slim down to three divisions

10 October, 2007

Siemens’ recently-appointed chief executive Peter Löscher has announced plans to streamline the organisation from 11 largely autonomous businesses, down to three divisions – automation and infrastructure, energy and healthcare.

As part of the changes, according to German press reports, the current head of the Automation & Drives operation, Dr Klaus Wucherer, will not have his contract renewed when it expires next March.

Siemens Loscher

Löscher (above), who was brought in to run the engineering giant from the US drugs company Merck, wants to implement his proposed changes by January. He is due to present details of his proposal to a Siemens board meeting at the end of November.

If the reorganisation goes ahead, it will mean an end to the previous division and country based structure. The heads of the three new divisions will be members of the executive board, thus centralising the running of the vast business which employs more than 450,000 people worldwide.

Löscher has replaced Klaus Kleinfeld who stepped down in April in the wake of a bribery scandal that has dogged Siemens for the past year.

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