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The EEF rebrands itself as "the manufacturers` association"

01 November, 2003

The EEF rebrands itself as "the manufacturers` association"

The EEF has decided that it no longer wants to be known as the Engineering Employers` Federation. In future, it will brand itself as "EEF, the manufacturers` organisation".

The organisation, which has 6,000 member companies involved in manufacturing, engineering and technology, says that the new image reflects the changing nature of its membership and its increasing involvement in issues affecting UK productivity.

"At a time when manufacturers are facing greater competitive pressures than ever before," says the EEF, "this move will enable the organisation to cement its role and provide the sector with the powerful voice it needs".

The EEF also hopes that the rebranding will help to broaden its appeal to other potential members in the manufacturing sector.

As part of the rebranding, the organisation`s logo has been given a makeover, "designed to reflect a cleaner, more modern image, in keeping with that of modern manufacturing companies".

"Manufacturing continues to need an effective voice and the highest quality support services," says Ian Peters, the EEF`s director of external affairs. "EEF is the only organisation dedicated to, and capable of, providing both."

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