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Drives & Controls show returns to Telford

01 November, 2003

Drives & Controls show returns to Telford

The Drives & Controls exhibition is moving back to its traditional home in Telford, from next year. The 2004 show will take place from 12-14 October in the town`s International Centre, which has been transformed by a £9m investment programme into what is claimed to be the most modern exhibition and conference venue in the UK (shown below).

The 2004 event will run alongside a brand-new show, the Air Technology Exhibition, dedicated to compressed air and pneumatics.

Telford was home to the Drives & Controls show for six years, until 2001 when, having outgrown the old Telford sportshall venue, it moved to London`s ExCeL for a year, before transferring to the NEC for the past two years.

The show`s director, Ken Purchase, says that the return to Telford is a result of listening to exhibitors and visitors. "People genuinely liked Telford and, after talking to the International Centre`s management team, and seeing the modernisation, we concluded it was an obvious choice for us to move the show back to the town," he says. "It`s coming home!"

Plans are at an advanced stage for a conference programme to run alongside the exhibition using the Centre`s state-of-art conference facilities.

The new Air Technology exhibition is being organised in collaboration with the British Compressed Air Society (BCAS). It will cover all aspects of air power technology, from the compressor, to the eventual application.

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