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Drives provide on-demand control

05 May, 2009

Rexroth’s Fe series frequency converters, unveiled at the 2009 Hannover Fair, are designed to save energy in pump and fan installations by providing on-demand control. The drives, which cover ratings from 0.75–110kW in four sizes, offer automatic motor parameter identification for plug-and-play control of standard motors. For special-purpose motors, three basic parameters and three motor parameters are needed for an initial start-up, with an auto-tuning function configuring other motor settings.

The drives provide freely definable V/f curves which can be adapted according to the load to reduce energy consumption. PWM frequencies can be set from 1–15kHz, depending on the rated power of the converter, enabling fine-tuning to the task, as well as reducing noise levels. The drives incorporate PLC functions and can be networked together to perform distributed synchronisation of simple tasks without needing a bus system. A Modbus interface is standard, with Profibus as an option.

For more Hannover Fair news, see our in-depth report.

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