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TÜV acquires Laidler safety consultancy
Published:  19 July, 2010

TÜV Product Service, a UK subsidiary of the German TÜV Süd group, has acquired the machine safety compliance specilaist Laidler for an undisclosed sum. The Laidler group, based in Cleveland and Yorkshire, has 30 employees and consolidated sales of £2.6m and has been growing by more than 20% a year for the past two years.

“The acquisition of Laidler brings a wealth of experience in machinery safety to our UK organisation and a position in the UK that is second to none”, says Jean-Louis Evans, managing director of TÜV Product Service. “We feel that there are considerable synergies between our two organisations and that bringing the two organisations together will establish a much stronger machinery safety business for TÜV Süd in the UK.”

“We are delighted to be part of the TÜV Süd group”, adds Paul Laidler, managing director of Laidler Associates (above). He says that the new owner’s “excellent reputation and international reach will allow us to expand our activities at a faster rate than if we had remained as a standalone business.

“Our respective businesses in the UK are very complementary and we are looking forward to adding new activities to our existing portfolio of services,” Laidler adds, “so as to provide even more comprehensive one-stop solutions to our customers.”

TÜV Product Service is an expert in product testing and certification with 170,000 product certifications in circulation globally. It is part of the TÜV Süd group, which is an international service organisation with around 15,000 employees at more than 600 sites around the world.

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