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In Brief

01 March, 2003

In Brief

• The Carbon Trust says there has been a big increase in applications from companies wanting to have their products included in the Energy Technology List (ETL) since the Trust took over managing and promoting the scheme in August 2002. Since then, there have been more than 376 applications, compared to 66 in previous seven months, and 179 of these applications have already been successful. Products in the ETL qualify for Enhanced Capital Allowances.

GE Industrial Systems is buying Birmingham-based SI Pressure Instruments from Hill & Smith Holding. SI specialises in pressure instruments and measurement systems, as well as monitoring and control software.

• Two members of the global Lapp Group, the connectors and accessories manufacturer Contact Connectors, and the cable specialist Oskar Lapp, have merged to form Lapp Ltd. The new company will serve the UK and Irish markets with an integrated cables, connectors and accessories sales force.

• John Glover, a former regional manger with Omron, has set up his own specialist company, Sysco Technologies, which will serve the auto identification, safety and process control markets in Scotland and Northern Ireland. The Glasgow-based company has recently been appointed as a solutions provider for DVT Sensors in the region. Sysco can be contacted on 01236 825855 or via its Web site at

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