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Low-power AC drives market bounced back in 2010

18 July, 2011

The global market for low-power AC drives market rebounded in 2010, following a deep downturn in 2009. According to a new study from the ARC Advisory Group, emerging economies led the growth in 2010, and will remain important markets in the period to 2015.

Growth in the low-power (5–200kW) AC drives market will also be spurred by increasing concerns over energy efficiency and the environment, ARC says.

“The low-power AC drives market will continue to grow across all regions of the world because these drives offer quick payback periods due to energy savings and better process management with increased motor control,” says Himanshu Shah, a senior ARC analyst the principal author of its Low Power AC Drives Worldwide Outlook report. “These factors make the use of low-power AC drives easier to justify even during uncertain economic periods.”

Stimulus packages introduced by governments during the economic downturn will continue to have a significant impact on the infrastructure industries during the forecast period, with earlier funding for capital projects coming to fruition over the next few years.

Globalisation also created a large demand for modern infrastructure, especially in emerging economies. Airport facilities and new road construction are driving demand for products from the metals, mining, cement, glass, and oil and gas industries. Low-power AC drives will benefit as they are key components for infrastructure development and operation.

The emergence of a new middle class in Asia, Eastern Europe, and Latin America is also creating a demand for new products, ARC says, offering opportunities for industries to provide products for the burgeoning ranks of new consumers. This new middle class is buying products across all segments, and consumption is expected to grow in areas ranging from consumer electronics to food and beverages, generating demand for more automation, including low-power AC drives.

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