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MDS conference attracts speakers from US and Brazil

03 October, 2011

Next month’s Motor-Driven Systems (MDS) conference in Solihull is attracting experts from around the world to examine how a systems engineering approach to designing motor-driven systems can deliver substantial energy savings.

The two-day event (on 9 and 10 November) will comprise almost 30 presentations, including speakers from the EU, Defra, BSI, Gambica, the AEMT and the British Pump-Makers Association. There will be a talk on the global market for high-efficiency motors by a speaker from IMS Research in the US, and a look at efficient motor technologies by a speaker from WEG in Brazil.

Other companies making presentations will include ABB, ebm-papst, Grundfos, Leroy-Somer, Nuaire, Rockwell, Siemens and Vacon.

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