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`First` counting absolute encoder does a turn

01 March, 2005

`First` counting absolute encoder does a turn

Agilent Technologies has introduced a module that adds a count of motor shaft revolutions to its plug-and-play AEAS-7000 absolute encoder, which it claims is the industry`s smallest. It says that the combination is the only one of its type for producing a complete housed encoder, and can cut the number of components needed from around 120 to as few as four.

This, Agilent adds, can cut costs by up to 40% and can halve design cycles by eliminating the need for multiple alignment adjustments.

The combined encoders are a maximum of 55mm in diameter, and are typically 53mm high. They are capable of a combined resolution of 25-30 bits and can count up to 16,384 shaft revolutions. They can operate in temperatures up to 125°C.

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