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Push-in connectors need no tools
Published:  01 May, 2002

Push-in connectors need no tools

Weidmüller has developed a new type of contact system which makes connections to solid conductors without needing any tools. When a stripped solid conductor is inserted into the Push In clamp, it opens the terminal to create a connection which the company says is reliable, vibration-resistant and gas-proof.

The system )shown above) is suitable for conductors with diameters from 0.75-4mm². Finely stranded conductors with crimped-on ferrules are accepted although, for stranded conductors from 1-4mm², the clamp must first be opened with a screwdriver. A screwdriver is also needed to release the conductors from the clamp.

Weidmüller says the system will save installation time and costs for applications such as control and signalling wiring and circuit-breakers. The company`s first product to use the Push In technology is a rail-mounting four-core connector.

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