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Welsh drives-maker wins global deals worth £6m a year

14 November, 2012

The Welsh drives manufacturer, Invertek, has won contracts with two “major” international automation companies to supply drives for their global operations. The contracts, covering Invertek’s Optidrive range including HVAC models, are worth £6m per year and are expected to grow significantly over the coming years.

Invertek’s sales and marketing director, Rhydian Welson (above), says that the contracts “are evidence that our strategic approach to export sales is working”. About 95% of the company’s output is now exported.
Invertek, established in 1998, has achieved an average year-on-year growth rate of 28%, making it one of the fastest-growing companies in Wales. Last month, it won the Technology Award at the Made in Wales Awards. The company currently employs more than 130 people at its UK headquarters in Welshpool and produced more than 100,000 drives last year

Invertek will have its biggest-ever stand at the SPS/IPC/Drives show in Germany this month. Its exhibits will include the recently launched compact Optidrive Elevator, dedicated to geared and gearless lift systems.

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