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Software collects plant data on one display

07 February, 2013

GE Intelligent Platforms has announced a new member of its Proficy software family – a dashboard called Proficy Vision that brings together Web-based content from other Proficy software software and third-party displays into one environment. By organising content in the context of the plant structure, the software delivers a single view of operations that can help to improve production.

The tool allows users to view Web-enabled content side-by-side, and displays both structured data (ERP, EAM, MES, and Scada, for example) and unstructured data (social business, spreadsheets, newsfeeds and so on) in a one-stop view.

“Success for manufacturing and infrastructure businesses increasingly relies on broad, secure access to cross-enterprise information enabled by the industrial Internet,” says Don Busiek, general manager of manufacturing software for GE IP. “Only with timely and relevant insights can businesses truly optimise operational performance.

“With Proficy Vision,” he adds, “users can organise content the way they want, whether that means tying content to a piece of equipment or within a specific area of the facility – putting data they need at their fingertips when they need it.”

Users can be shown only what they need, based on their login credentials. For instance, an operator may only be shown displays for specific assets they are responsible for, while a manager may have access to all displays for the facility.

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