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Coil-winding machines mark first phase of £1.25m investment programme

13 March, 2013

The Quartzelec electrical engineering group has completed the first phase of a £1.25m investment programme in its Quartzcoil coil-manufacturing business to meet a growing demand for coil and bar products. It has installed electrical loop winding, bar assembly and coil-forming equipment at its purpose-built multi-million-pound workshop and test facility which it opened in Rugby, UK, in September 2012.

Quartzelec – which grew out of the earlier GEC Machines, GEC Alsthom Large Machines, Alstom and Cegelec businesses – has an annual turnover of more than £50m. Its Quartzcoil operation supplies electrical windings for high-voltage AC/DC motor and generator applications.

The new equipment, built to order by Gemo-tec & Vincent Industrie, arrived at the site in early February 2013 and took just five days to install and commission. The machines can be used for loop winding (including turn tape), Roebel bar assembly, and precision coil and bar forming.

“The validation tests and progress trials on the new machinery exceeded all expectations,” says Quartzcoil’s general manager, Kevin Goodwin. “We look forward to building upon this significant investment into our business as we look to drive it forward.”

Quartzelec says the investment will make Quartzcoil a dominant, independent coil manufacturing business in Europe and will help it to increase its market penetration. Completion of the first phase allows the operation to manufacture small and medium turbo bars and stator bars up to 6m long.

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