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Integrated motor can be operated wirelessly from a smartphone

10 April, 2013

At the recent Hannover Fair, Lenze unveiled an integrated motor and controller that can be programmed and operated wirelessly from a smartphone. The Smart Motor will run at speeds from 500–2,600 rpm while maintaining constant torque, thus reducing the number of drive variants that users will need to stock by around 70%, according to Lenze.

The motor is said to combine the simplicity of an AC motor with the technical benefits of electronic controls. It has an integrated soft-start function with programmable acceleration and deceleration ramps, and does away with the need for contactors and starters.

The high-efficiency motor can be programmed and operated using an app running on a smartphone incorporating the NFC (near field communication) wireless communications technology.

Built-in functions include motor protection and speed switchovers, as well as three digital inputs (for selecting speeds and changing direction), and a digital output (for transmitting status messages). The motor has been designed to deliver the high starting torque needed for many materials-handling applications.

Initially, there are two versions, both operating from 400–460V, three-phase supplies. One has a rated torque of 1.75Nm and a maximum torque of 7Nm; the other has a rated torque of 5Nm and a maximum torque of 20Nm. Options include built-in gearboxes and holding brakes.

Lenze says that the Smart Motor will cut wiring costs compared to standard motors, as well as reducing the costs of engineering, documentation, procurement and stocking spare parts.

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