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3D profiler promises micron-level accuracy

22 March, 2013

Cognex has developed a 3D laser profiling system that provides readings in real units of measurement with micron-level accuracy, making 3D applications easier to understand and deploy. The system can perform inspections that would be too difficult for traditional two-dimensional machine vision systems.

For example, the DS1000 sensor (above) can:

•  read embossed or raised characters;

•  verify the presence of low-contrast items in boxes or packages;

•  identify surface defects and chips with no or little contrast;

•  measure heights and tilts of components to determine misalignments; and

•  calculate volumes and dimensions for food portioning.

The IP65-protected system integrates with Cognex’s VisionPro 3D vision toolset, which allows users to add GigE cameras for 2D inspection tasks.

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