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Process users will have access to the benefits of Profinet

10 September, 2015

Profibus & Profinet International (PI) says it is optimising Profinet to suit the special needs of process automation users.

Although Profinet is already used in the process sector for applications such as such connecting remote I/Os and motor management systems, the combination of Profibus DP and Profibus PA still dominates the sector, with specifications such as the PA Profile V3.02 providing standardisation.

PI says that, in the future, the PA profile will be usable on Profinet systems as well as Profibus. A revised profile version is being drawn up that is independent of the physical layer, and can thus be used on both Profibus and Profinet. This will bring the benefits of Profibus PA – such as diagnostics, parameter assignment and lifecycle management – to Profinet. The aim is to simplify handling, save time, and reduce the risk of errors with field devices.

PI also wants to make Profinet devices available for use in hazardous areas and in two-wire technologies that carry power and communications. A physical layer is being planned that will allow integrated Ethernet communications on individual protocols. 

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