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Project will use 5G phone technologies to enhance production

07 March, 2016

Three Swedish organisations – SKF, Ericsson and Chalmers University – have embarked on a two-year, government-backed project that will combine next-generation (5G) mobile communications with manufacturing technologies. The aim of the 5G Enabled Manufacturing (5GEM) project is to improve speed, quality and information flows in advanced production systems.

As part of the project, a pilot production system for manufacturing spherical roller bearings using 5G technologies will be developed at SKF’s Gothenburg factory.

“The project’s vision is to create a world-class manufacturing system that demonstrates enhanced performance through improved efficiency, increased flexibility and traceability,” says project manager, Johan Stahre. “A key component of the project is ensuring these technologies are easily transferable to other manufacturing industries.”

The project will address the four main lifecycle phases of manufacturing systems: design; deployment; operation; and maintenance. In each phase, the participants will develop best-practice use of mobile ICT (information and communications technology) infrastructures, connection tools, sensors and operator-system interaction, to ensure consistent and integrated information flows.

The project’s participants believe that the use of advanced ICT technologies will enhance flexibility, customisation and productivity, as well as resulting in more attractive workplaces. The project also aims to improve precision, quality, switching speeds, error handling and the traceability of products and system components.

The 5GEM project is being supported by Vinnova, which is part of the Swedish Ministry of Enterprise. One of the project’s goals is to increase the productivity and competitiveness of Swedish industry.

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