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Tester analyses running motors without using sensors

10 May, 2016

Fluke has announced a motor tester that analyses a motor’s electrical and mechanical performance while it is running, without needing any mechanical load sensors. The Fluke 438-II power quality and motor analyser uses “innovative” algorithms to analyse not only three-phase power quality, but also torque, efficiency, and speed, to determine a motor's performance and to detect overload conditions.

The tester simplifies motor diagnoses by providing data on both the electrical and mechanical characteristics of the motor while it is running. It measures the three-phase current and voltage waveforms and compares them with rated specifications to calculate the motor’s mechanical performance. The analysis is presented in the form of simple readouts, making it easy to assess the operating performance and to determine if any action is needed to prevent a shutdown.

The analyser also provides measurements to determine a motor’s efficiency – its conversion of electrical energy to mechanical torque – and its mechanical power under operating conditions. These readings allow maintenance engineers to determine the motor’s in-service operating power compared to its rated power to determine if it is overloaded - or if it is oversized for the application, thus wasting energy and raising running costs.

The Fluke 438-II can be used to troubleshoot direct-on-line motors while in service, without using mechanical sensors

The analyser can also perform dynamic motor analyses by plotting motor de-rating factors against load, in accordance with Nema guidelines.

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