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Database covers more than 80% of all IO-Link devices

10 August, 2017

A recently-launched database containing technical descriptions of IO-Link devices is claimed to cover more than 80% of all known IO-Link devices. The IODDfinder service, launched by the IO-Link community earlier this year, is being supported by more than 30 manufacturers of IO-Link devices who, between them, have stored about 1,900 IODDs (IO-Link Device Descriptions), which can be used to parameterise more than 3,900 different IO-Link devices.

The IODDfinder portal is accessible around the clock, giving interested parties access to the database and facilitating direct connection of engineering and parameterising tools. The software tools can contact the manufacturer-neutral database via the Internet, giving them automatic access to the IO-Link devices’ description files.

During its first six months of operation, the platform has dealt with around 2,500 call-ups every day. The IO-Link community believes that the service will help to widen the use of IO-Link.

The IODDfinder database helps to parameterise more than 3,900 different IO-Link devices

The IODDfinder can be reached either via a direct link or from the homepage of the IO-Link community’s Web site.

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