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Drives & Controls’ circulation is now fully requested

22 June, 2018

Every copy of Drives & Controls is now going to someone who asked for it. The latest figures published by the independent Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC) show that 87% of the 20,004 copies printed of each issue are going to people who have asked for their own individual copies, with the rest going to companies or organisations who have asked to subscribe.

“This means that every copy of the magazine is going to someone who wants to read it, and wants their own copy,” says Drives & Controls’ sales director, Damien Oxlee. “We are not sending copies to people who have not asked to get it – or who may not even be in a company, or the industry, any more.

“The figures prove that Drives & Controls is the magazine that people turn to, and rely on, for news of what’s going on in the industry,” he adds.

Drives & Controls’ circulation of 20,004 is the biggest in the sector. The only other magazine with a fully requested readership has less than half of Drives & Controls’ total circulation. And Drives & Controls’ requested readership is more than 6,800 ahead of its closest rival.

Many publishers boost their circulation figures by sending copies of their magazines to people who have not asked for them. Some of these are sent to people who meet ABC’s “terms of control” that define their job title or field of activity. ABC calls them “non-requested” readerships.

The 2017 ABC figures for the main UK magazines covering the industrial automation sector

There are also copies whose circulation ABC does not monitor, and these can be sent to anyone or any company. For some magazines, these “non-controlled” copies, together with the non-requested readerships, make up more than 90% of their circulation.

ABC also breaks down requested readerships by how recent they are. Its audits cover requests that are up to three years old. The older the request, the more likely a person is to have moved on to another job or company, or even retired. Almost half of Drives & Controls’ requested readerships are less than one year old. For some magazines, 80% of their readership requests are older than one year.

You can find out more details about audited magazines’ circulation figures by viewing at their certificates on the ABC Web site.

  • To view a digital copy of the latest issue of Drives & Controls, click here.

    To visit the digital library of past issues, click here

    To subscribe to the magazine, click here



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