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Demo shows SPE operating over 400m of twisted-pair cable

17 September, 2021

A US developer of network infrastructure technologies has demonstrated 10Base-T1L Single-Pair Ethernet (SPE) operating over 400m of balanced twisted-pair copper cabling. Connecticut-based Siemon says that the demonstration, at a conference in Las Vegas, is “a milestone step” in confirming SPE’s ability to bring Ethernet network connections – including operation over a standardised, non-proprietary cabling infrastructure – to a wide range of devices operating at 10Mb/s or less, such as sensors, actuators and relays.

In Siemon’s demonstration, SPE was used for an access control system consisting of magnetic door locks which responded to local inputs such as card readers, as well as remotely managed control functions. Because SPE-enabled end-device and system development is at a pre-market stage, media conversion boards supplied by Analog Devices were used to convert the controller and end-device 10Base T TCP/IP output signals to 10Base T1L.

SPE was shown to operate over 400m of a one-pair channel using Siemon’s category 7A cable and four of its Tera connectors. The company claims that its shielded SPE system is the first 23 AWG balanced, twisted-pair copper cabling system to support 10Base-T1L over distances of up to 400m for OT and 10Mb/s IT applications.

“It’s easy to specify new Tera permanent links that are capable of supporting both future IT and OT device connections over 400m distances,” says the company’s chief technology officer and vice-president of operations, John Siemon. Because the system is fully-shielded, it can support up to four unique SPE applications and controllers over a single four-pair structured cabling channel.

Siemon claims that its shielded SPE system is the first 23 AWG balanced, twisted-pair copper cabling system to support 10Base-T1L over distances of up to 400m

This ability, called cable sharing, cuts material costs and uses pathway space more efficiently than running four SPE applications over individual single-pair cables.

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