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Industrial edge 'first' will accelerate journey to I 4.0

12 October, 2021

Nokia has launched what it describes as industry’s first off-the-shelf, mission-critical industrial edge, designed to accelerate the journey to Industry 4.0 for asset-intensive sectors such as manufacturing, energy and transportation, helping them to digitalise their operations with high performance, reliability and security. The scalable Nokia MX Industrial Edge (MXIE) addresses a new category of I4.0 applications that require increased capabilities and performance at the network edge, and tight integration with industrial and networking systems.

The technology combines on-premise mission-critical edge, workload lifecycle management and simplified IIoT integration in a “one-stop” industrial edge  platform, said to deliver high computing capacity, performance, resilience and security for mission-critical OT applications. Its scalable edge-as-a-service model, based on consumption, gives enterprises a low-cost entry point and control over their data.

Nokia says the off-the-shelf MXIE “uniquely” combines computing, storage, wired/wireless networking, one-click industrial applications, and automated management, in a single on-premise digital platform.

Industry 4.0 requires widespread digitalisation and connection of equipment, machines and other assets. Due to the amount and speed of data generated, and the need for real-time automation, data increasingly needs to be processed close to where it is generated, at the edge. The analyst Gartner predicts that, by 2025, 75% of industrial data will be processed at the edge.  

Nokia says that by adopting its MX Industrial Edge, enterprises will benefit from a cloud architecture that unifies edge requirements in an easy-to-use, deploy-as-a-service package. It removes the complexity, knowledge, and economic hurdles typically associated with deploying, integrating and lifecycle management of high-performance computing and critical networking applications.  

MXIE is powered by Nokia’s Digital Automation Cloud (DAC), allowing enterprises to manage everything from applications to private wireless networking.  It will be offered in combination with DAC applications such as high-accuracy indoor positioning, plug-and-play private wireless, or Nokia’s modular private wireless technology.

“Industry 4.0 is transforming asset-intensive industries by integrating and digitalising all processes and systems across the industrial value chain,” says Nokia’s head of enterprise solutions, Stephan Litjens. “This will result in an explosion of data – and taking the right actions based on that data in near real-time will be critical to the success of digital transformation initiatives.”

Nokia’s industrial edge technology is aimed at accelerating the transformation to Industry 4.0.

Nokia reports that more than 300 of its customers are already using its industrial private wireless and have the core deployed on a scalable DA edge that could be upgraded to the MX edge

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