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3D safety system protects workers in tough environments

22 December, 2022

Sick has launched a “next-generation” 3D radar safety system that provides access protection for workers in a wide range of hazardous industrial environments, including robot cells. The safeRS3 system provides a 5m protective field with a 100° opening angle, and offers up to four protective fields. It is said to be ideal for heavy industrial or harsh outdoor environments, which may challenge conventional optical detection systems.

The system protects personnel in stationary applications to PLd or SIL2, in line with ISO 13849-1 and IEC 62061. As a category 3 device, it can be used in robotic applications in accordance with ISO 10218-2.

Because of its technology and 3D cone-shaped coverage, the safeRS3 can protect hazardous areas with more complex topographies than 2D laser scanners, which can encounter problems protecting areas containing items such as steps, platforms and supports, which can cause shadowing effects.

The system is claimed to avoid unnecessary downtime while safeguarding personnel. A safe automatic restart function helps to ensure maximum productivity in complex machine cells, including those containing robots. A validation view helps operators to spot field infringements in real time, allowing false trips to be identified quickly.

The 60GHz radar detection principle can filter out particles or contamination in dirty or high-humidity conditions. The system is not affected by low or bright light and is claimed to perform accurately despite dust clouds, woodchips, plastic particles, flying swarf, sparks, steam, heavy rain or humidity.

The radar sensors have rugged IP67 housings and up to six sensors can be configured together. With an adjustable operating range and selectable opening angles, they can adapt to most environments.

Sick’s 3D radar safety system can protect workers in large, complex industrial environments, including robot cells

A safety-over-networks version offers Profinet control for easy integration into PROFIsafe networks. A standard Ethernet connection is used for configuration, diagnostics and Modbus integration. Alternatively, customers can buy an economical control with local I/O and two pairs of OSSDS for configuration and diagnosis via USB-C.

The safeRS3 system operates in temperatures from –40 to +60°C, providing protection in heavy industrial facilities or outdoor environments where, for example, gantry cranes are being used in bulk materials handling facilities, mines or quarries.

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