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‘Revolutionary’ software lets anyone program robots

21 February, 2023

A French developer has announced “revolutionary” software that allows non-experts to program and simulate almost any type of industrial robot, without needing to do any coding. Fuzzy Logic says that its Fuzzy Studio software will allow industrial users to create virtual cells and to robotise their production at an affordable price with low risk, even in situations that were once considered impossible – such as for small batches or complex parts.

The company’s CEO, Ryan Lober, predicts that the software “will revolutionise mass-customisation and flexible production. Our ambition is to make industrial robotics accessible to a wider audience – such as for the production of small batches or unique parts – which are difficult to automate due to the high costs associated with complex robot programming. By democratising robotics, making it simple to program and simulate a robot for everyone, we make robotic automation feasible where it once seemed impossible.”

He believes it is “currently the most advanced and accessible industrial robotics software on the market”.

According to Fuzzy Logic, existing approaches to setting up robotic cells are often complex. With its new software, “this process becomes incredibly simple and accessible”. It allows robotics novices to create interactive virtual cells, and lets anyone design, program and simulate robot cells as real-time digital twins.

The basic specifications of a project can be validated in a few minutes instead of several weeks, and at a much lower cost. Information on the sizing of a robot cell is displayed for easy decision-making before moving on to real-time control. Parameters can be modified rapidly in the simulation, cutting investment risks.

Robot trajectories normally need lengthy, complex programming by experts. The new software generates complex trajectories automatically in a few clicks using 3D information on objects in the digital twin. An unlimited number of waypoints can be added to the trajectories.

The software includes collision detection functions. The positions of objects can be configured in minutes, and potential collisions anticipated. Any object can be reconfigured in a few clicks. When an object’s position is modified, its associated trajectories are updated. Interactions are dynamic, and it I immediately obvious whether the revised robot trajectory will work.

Fuzzy Logic says that its no-code programming and simulation software will allow non-experts to program and set up industrial robots.

Over the past two years, the Fuzzy Studio software has been used by a limited number of pilot customers. It is now being offered to a wider audience in two formats: the Fuzzy Studio Simulation version, which allows non-robotic users to create and preview robot cells in simulated environments; and the Fuzzy Studio Production version, which adds all of the tools needed to integrate and operate a real robot cell. It validates hypotheses formulated in the simulated cell, including trajectories, implementation and collisions, in the real world. With rapid simulation, the risk of errors is almost eliminated, according to Fuzzy Logic. If a problem is detected, it can be corrected in the simulation.

The Fuzzy Studio Production version includes an I/O module, which can simulate and program the behaviour of a PLC in the virtual cell using simple functions such as generating a trajectory or launching a gripper. A click of a button in the software allows real-time connection with Fuzzy’s real-time operating system installed in a robot bay, enabling real-time control.

The French Public Investment Bank (BPI) has recently given Fuzzy Logic a €1.75m grant to help it to “democratise” industrial robots.

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